Understanding Your Subconscious Mind
The mind can be compared to an iceberg.
The conscious mind is the tip of the iceberg. About 10% of what you can see.
The conscious mind is very limited. It allows you to be aware, to use logic and analyze, and to make judgements as to what is right or wrong. The conscious mind is only responsible for 10% of our daily activity.
The subconscious is the much larger part of the iceberg that resides below the surface which equates to 90% of the mind.
The conscious mind is very limited. It allows you to be aware, it allows you to use logic and analyze, and to make judgements as to what is right or wrong. The conscious mind could also be compared to the surface of a pond, the reflection of what we can see when we look at it.
The conscious mind is like the surface of a quiet pond. It is the reflection of what we can see. But below the surface of the pond there is a great depth and much is happening.
The subconscious mind is an intricate system. It remembers everything that you have ever heard, felt, seen or experienced in your life. It is responsible for all of your body processes. Your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, blinking and digestion are all it's responsibilities. Could you imagine if all of these things were conscious processes. What it would be like having to remember to blink, breath and beat your heart? It would become very exhausting! The subconscious mind takes care of all of these things for you. It is also the store house of experiences, learning, instinct, self preservation functions, emotions and feelings. All habitual and behavioural programming is stored within the subconscious mind as well as your belief systems. The subconscious mind is not as rigid and analytical as the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind moves within a very fixed system of programming. It reacts quite automatically and autonomously to life situations. It bases these responses on your previously stored behaviours. Because it works outside of the awareness of the conscious mind, you are generally unaware of the responses that are taking place. Around 90% of your responses are subconscious. Even when you believe that you are acting consciously, much of the time your subconscious is actually making the decision for you. In fact, your subconscious is formulating your responses approximately one third of a second before you act. It processes around 40 billion bits of information per second. This makes its potential far greater than the conscious mind.
When you make a choice to make change, and that change might be to eat healthier, exercise or stop smoking, you are making the choice to change with your conscious mind. This is what makes change difficult, as the decision to change is conscious, but the programming that supports the behaviour is subconscious.
If you would like to change any aspect of yourself, including how you relate to life and the world around you or the world within you, learning to tap into subconscious mind using hypnosis can be extremely beneficial on your journey. Hypnosis allows you to make change deep within the subconscious mind. By releasing feelings, changing belief systems, realigning yourself with new patterns of habit and behaviour and developing new thinking you can make changes that you desire.
Donald Currie, MH, NLP.P, CI