Hypnosis and NLP can help you to slim down for summer

14/04/2010 09:06

I was out taking some pictures of lovely flowers in the park across from me. Yes, spring has finally arrived in Toronto.

With summer just around the bend many people are heading back to the gym striving to get back into shape for summer.

Hypnosis and NLP can make letting go of weight so much easier. They allow new patterns of behaviour to be created within the subconscious mind.

The weight loss program that I created for the clinic works wonders for people who want to let go of 5 or 50 pounds.

In the sessions we work together using hypnosis to set goals for weight loss, remove cravings for certain foods, develop a better relationship with food, increase excercise, develop a better self image and release any blocks that may be standing in the way of success.

If you are ready to let go of weight, come in for a free consultation to see if hypnosis is right for you!