Article archive
01/10/2018 23:27
Auto-suggestion is very simple, yet effective self-hypnosis tool that is similar to affirmations. Auto-suggestion is a technique that can be done out of hypnosis.
The purpose of auto-suggestion is to refocus your thinking and to reprogram your subconscious through repetition.
30/09/2018 11:57
There are two times during the day in which our subconscious mind is naturally more available. These two times are first thing in the morning when you wake up and the last few moments before you go to sleep at night. These two times are wonderful opportunities to seed positive thought seeds within...
03/09/2018 00:14
Use this program when you desire a good nights sleep. The Delta frequencies will quiet your mind enabling you to sleep more deeply than you have in a long, long time. As a result of a deep sleep, you will awaken in the morning feeling fully rested and rejuvenated ready to take on your day.
01/09/2018 22:33
In this program you will have the opportunity to experience an Evening Meditation that can be used before you close your eyes and go to sleep. This meditation will assist you in clearing your mind so you can sleep more deeply, reviewing your day to observe what you have learned and how you can...
01/09/2018 22:29
Elevate your day with this morning meditation. Connect with positivity by focusing your mind with gratitude and experience increased motivation to achieve your goals.
Click here to watch the video on YouTube!
01/09/2018 22:17
Living life more fully in the now allows for greater enjoyment of life. When we learn to resolve the emotions and experience from the past and let go of the worry and anxiety of the future we can fully be present in our life.
Click here to view the video on YouTube!
05/05/2017 19:43
The College of Registered Psychotherapists was developed to regulate practitioners who are trained in delivering psychotherapy techniques by way of therapeutic relationship. Psychotherapy techniques that fall under the controlled act of psychotherapy can only be practiced by a Registered...
08/01/2017 13:13
My collegue, Georgina Cannon, recently launched her new book "The Third Circle Protocol" which gives the understanding and offers the process to live a life of satisfying, loving and effective relationships without guilt or angst. It shows how to feel comfortable and flourish in the relationship...
08/01/2017 13:12
Recently I wrote an article for Eligible Magazine on becoming a conscious male. You can read the article at the below link.
30/03/2016 20:38
Interested in learning hypnosis for personal improvement?
Already in a helping profession and want to add hypnosis to your list of tools and interventions?
Perhaps you are interested in starting a career in professional hypnosis?
Become an NGH certified hypnotist/hypnotherapist with this intensive...
Items: 1 - 10 of 172